Thursday, April 16, 2009

'Anti-Government', 'Anti-CNN' Tea Parties (Video)

This video made the rounds today on all of the conservative media outlets, as a CNN reporter bashes the crowd at a Chicago T.E.A. party, for no apparant reason. It is obvious to me that she was not going to give this guy a chance to have is say from the very beginning. before she even talks to him, she says that he brought his two year old. This in itself is fine, but it is said in a very deamining way, as to infer that this is not the proper place to bring a child. She continues to cut him off and act like an arrogant..well, you watch it:

I know many liberal readers will say that Fox News and conservative commentators berate guests like this all the time, however it is usually then passed off as opinions by COMMENTATORS, not some random news reporter who wants to get her two cents in! She needs to learn to just do her job and let Campbell Brown et al do theirs. I let Shephard Smith, of Fox News, sum up the remainder of my comments:

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